Visit to Denenchofu Police Station

田園調布警察署を訪問しました  2025/1/14

We visited Denenchofu Police Station to donate side chairs to the police station.

The Cihef the Denenchofu Police Station, Mr. Rhoichi Oda kindly invited us to the room and showed a 3D Map of the police jurisdiction area, located on the hill, however, the elevation of the east side including Haneda Airport is lower.


There was a drawing of the Sumo wreslers on the wall. The chief explained that there is a Sumo stable, “Takesumi-Beya” nearby.


The second from the right is Gonoyama, a Sumo Wrestler who belongs to Takesumi-Buya. The master is a former Ohzeki (The second highest rank), Goeido. On the 1st level of the building is a pub, serving “Chanko-Nabe”, which is a Japanese hot pot stew that originated in sumo stables. The dish has a protein-rich broth, vegetables, and meat or seafood. 

拡大した写真です。 右から2人目が武隈部屋の東前頭三枚目 豪ノ山です。師匠は元大関 豪栄道です。稽古部屋の建物の一階は居酒屋 かん八で、ちゃんこ鍋も提供されるそうです。大田区に相撲部屋があるとは驚きです。


I would like to thank the Chief of Police Office, Mr. Oda, and all police officers for hospitality during our visit.

Winter Sale 2024/12/2 to 2024/12/25

Azabu Interior / Tokyo Lease Corporation

Winter sale is from 2024/12/2 to 2024/12/25

As holiday season approaches, Azabu Interior / Tokyo Lease Corporation is having a holiday sale from Dec.2 (Mon.) to Dec. 25 (Wed.)
Most of the gift items are 20% off from the retail price.
Used furniture is up to 70% off the original price.

Relaxation items are also 20% Off

Newly arrived fragrance items are now getting popular among young working ladies.
All items are 20% off only during holiday sale.

Japanese Gift Items are also 20% Off

Trays, chopsticks, lamps…Japanese traditional gift goodies are also for sale.

See more at our website.

Night Festival at the Tokyo National Museum

Aug. 27 to Sept. 1. 2024.

Summer in Japan is a time for festivals, or Omatsuri in Japanese.
Night Festival will be held at Tokyo National Museum in Ueno Park from Aug. 27 to Sept. 1. 2024.

The museum shows special exhibition, titled “Jingoji: showing over 1000 years old Buddhism statues, Mandara arts not only in the daytime, but also in the evening with a special ticket.

On a special stage to be set up in the museum premises, traditional Japanese performing arts,
such as dance and drum performances from various parts of Japan,
will be staged to immerse visitors into the atmosphere of a lively summer festival.

Japanese Night Festival, or Ennichi is a place for fun. Local traditional food to eat out, and scooping super balls.

For more information and tickets go to the following website.

Spring Fragrance / 春の香り

Spring Fragrance / 春の香り 2024/3/6

As Azabudai Hills development attracted a lot of new visitors, our shop updated the display.

Chic affordable aromatic bottles and containers are best selling. Interior designers sometimes buy a lot of decorative items for model rooms and photo taking.




Happy Halloween from all of us here at Tokyo Lease Corporation!



営業時間:平日9:00〜18:00 土曜日・祝日10:00〜18:00

Be ready to get spooky! Halloween is just around the corner, and we have dedicated a little corner at Azabu Interior to embrace the Halloween spirit.
How about decorating your home to celebrate? Come by to check out our accessories. Perhaps you could find something spooky.
We are open Mon-Fri 9AM-6PM, Sat and Holidays 10AM-6PM.