Sustainability Summit 2023 Singapore 持続性サミット シンガポール2023

Sustainability Summit 2023  Singapore

2023年7月20日シンガポールにてSFIC (Singapore Furniture Industries Council )開催された Sustainability Summitで、講演者として招かれました。環境にやさしい家具レンタル、電気トラック、倉庫での太陽光発電、木更津倉庫での植樹、ソーラーシェアリングについて20分のスピーチをしました。

Eri was invited to Sustainability Summit 2023 as a key note speaker. She spoke about sustainable business models, EV Truck, and installation of solar panels on the warehouse and farmland.


Eri also joined a panel discussion about sustainability in the industry; circularity, carbon tax, emission measurement and partnership.

午後からは雨の中ボタニックガーデンに併設されたGreen Galleryにて、CDLのChief Sustainability Officer Ms. Esther An による地球温暖化セミナーがありました。

In the afternoon, Chief Sustainability Officer of CDL, Ms.Esther An guided a tour of the Green Gallery, showing the evidences of the climate crisis.

Green Galleryでは南極の氷が予想を超える速さで減っていることなど、多くの写真と共に説明がされています。

おなけ)こちらはチャンギ空港に併設された JEWELです。巨大な噴水とそれを囲む南の植物。レストランやお店からも中心にある噴水をみることができます。

JEWEL at the Changi Airport is a large indoor fountain surrounded by greens. Overlooking the garden are the shops, restaurants and even a hotel.

Come check our new home decor items.


Spring is here, and what could be a better way to embrace it by adding some plants and flowers to your home. We know taking care of plants can be troublesome, but that does not mean you can’t have some greens in your own place. Come to Azabu Interior and explore a wide range of artificial plants and dried flowers. We would love to give you a helping hand with decorating your home.
Our opening hours are weekdays 9AM-6PM, Sat and holidays 10AM-6PM, and closed on Sunday. Feel free to drop by and have a chat with our staff.

Our new EV truck e-Canter / 新しい電気トラック

A new EV truck, e-Canter joined our fleet.
A step closer to a sustainable future.
Sustainable lifestyle starts from Azabudai.
It’s 100% powered by electricity.
It’s charged from the solar panels on our warehouse.
We are committed to go green.








New arrivals!

New chairs are available in our store now. Maybe it’s time to change the look of your dining area. We cannot stress enough the importance of having a cosy, inviting dining area to your home. It is where the bonds within your family grow stronger and tighter every day. Feel free to come by and check them out! We are open weekdays from 9AM-6PM, Saturday and holidays from 10AM-6PM, and closed on Sunday. We look forward to seeing you.

麻布インテリア by 東京リースコーポレーション|家具(@tokyolease) • Instagram写真と動画

Let’s add some greenery to your living space.


Having greenery in your home can have a positive effect on your mental health. However, keeping the plants alive can be a great ordeal when you get caught up in the busyness of life. But don’t worry, we’ve got a broad selection of artificial plants and pots in our store. Feel free to drop by if you are in the mood to green-up your home. We are open weekdays 9:00AM – 6:00PM, Saturday and holidays 10:00AM – 6:00PM. We look forward to seeing you!

麻布インテリア by 東京リースコーポレーション|家具(@tokyolease) • Instagram写真と動画