Congratulations on the Samoa’s 60th Independence Anniversary.
2022年6月10日、サモア独立60周年、およびJICA ボランティア派遣50周年記念式典が催されました。 ファアラヴァアウ・ペリーナ・ジャクェリン・シラ・トゥアラウレレイ駐日サモア独立国大使から、日本の協力に対する感謝、また、現地との交流で新しい家族が生まれたとのあいさつに、拍手喝さいでした。
June 10, 2022, the Celebration of Samoa’s Independence Anniversary and 50th Anniversary of JICA volunteers in Samoa was held in Tokyo.
Her Excellency Ms. Faalavaau Perina Jacqueline Sila-Tualaulelei, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Independent State of Samoa thanked the people of JICA and those who helped the development of Samoa. When she mentioned that Samoan wives who married the volunteers are now with us, there were many cheers in the room.
Traditional gallant Samoan dance
Traditional Samoan dance by beautiful ladies.
Samoans are friendly and warm people who offer smiles to those they meet. I was relaxed and felt like travelling a Samoan island.
I appreciate the Embassy of Samoa in Japan for inviting me.