田園調布警察署を訪問しました 2025/1/14

We visited Denenchofu Police Station to donate side chairs to the police station.
The Cihef the Denenchofu Police Station, Mr. Rhoichi Oda kindly invited us to the room and showed a 3D Map of the police jurisdiction area, located on the hill, however, the elevation of the east side including Haneda Airport is lower.

There was a drawing of the Sumo wreslers on the wall. The chief explained that there is a Sumo stable, “Takesumi-Beya” nearby.

The second from the right is Gonoyama, a Sumo Wrestler who belongs to Takesumi-Buya. The master is a former Ohzeki (The second highest rank), Goeido. On the 1st level of the building is a pub, serving “Chanko-Nabe”, which is a Japanese hot pot stew that originated in sumo stables. The dish has a protein-rich broth, vegetables, and meat or seafood.
拡大した写真です。 右から2人目が武隈部屋の東前頭三枚目 豪ノ山です。師匠は元大関 豪栄道です。稽古部屋の建物の一階は居酒屋 かん八で、ちゃんこ鍋も提供されるそうです。大田区に相撲部屋があるとは驚きです。

I would like to thank the Chief of Police Office, Mr. Oda, and all police officers for hospitality during our visit.