Solar on the warehouse



コロナ禍で、当社のメインである外国人が来日できず、帰国するお客様から家具を引き揚げるばかりの毎日で、倉庫がいっぱいになりました。そこで、160坪の倉庫を借り、さらに麻布台から車で40分で行くことができる、木更津金田東に土地を取得したのが、2020年の6月でした。 翌年3月には960㎡のプレハブ倉庫が完成し、7月から発電を開始しました。天気の良いときには、1時間あたり47kWh の発電ができます。天気の良い日には朝から夕方まで7台のエアコンを太陽のめぐみで稼働しています。

50kWh 未満の低圧電力の場合は、事業計画をたてて、発電した電力の三分の一を自家消費しなくてはなりません。通常の事務所、店舗であればさほど難しいことではありませんが、人のいない倉庫ではかなりのハードルです。


Solar panels on our Kisarazu warehouse was connected to grids on July. Seven air conditioners are cooling the warehouse with free energy from the sun. Last year, our warehouses were flooded with furniture picked-up from our customers. Usually in-coming customers use used furniture, but no new expats customers can come into Japan due to the isolation policy. We rented new warehouse hear Haneda airport, but not enough. It was quite difficult to rent a big warehouse, due to the high demands by E-commerce. We managed to find a spacious land in Kisarazu, Chiba prefecture. Thanks to the Aqua Line, a freeway ( actually it costs 800 yen at the tole gate), we can go there in 45 minutes from our office. We hired a contractor and built two stories 960 ㎡ warehouse, which completed on March 2021. There was no tall building around the warehouse, so we decided to install 47 kWh solar panels on the roof. From July 2021, the panels are generating more than enough energy to cool the warehouse. 6 minutes walk from the warehouse is the Mitsui Outlet Park Kisarazu, and 2 min by car from Costco Kisarazu, which was built in August 2020. The houses in this area are mostly big with large yard, it looks people here is having American lifestyle. Once our customers come back, and Kisarazu warehouse is not too packed with furniture, we are planning to convert the warehouse into furniture outlet.
